Is This Course for You?

Improve your TOEFL Speaking score from below 20 to above 25 in 4 weeks. Let me give you tips, templates, academic phrases, and top-scoring language to help you increase your TOEFL speaking score to above 25. You can expect to speak faster, use more accurate language, and acquire the ability to properly use 30+ new academic phrases for TOEFL on exam day.  

What results can you expect?

  • Expect to increase your fluency when you speak academic English.
  • Improve your timing and organization when giving your responses under pressure.
  • Use a variety of vocabulary in your answers.
  • Master grammar skills while you speak and stop making the same mistakes.
  • Discover how to brainstorm ideas and add details to your responses.

You can start improving your speaking skills for your future work with the support and help of an experienced teacher.

Anne Haggerson, PhD, MST

An experienced TOEFL coach.

Anne Haggerson

Ph.D., MST

Anne has over 20 years of teaching experience. She specializes in academic English and in helping people go from below 20 to above 25 in TOEFL speaking. Because she dedicated so much time to achieving her goal to be the first female in her family to acquire a Ph.D., she seeks to help others reach their career goals. She is from the United States and now lives in Spain.

Course curriculum

Go from below 20 to above 25 in TOEFL speaking

    1. Welcome! Thank you for being here!

    1. TOEFL Fluency Course Workbook

    2. Toefl-IBT-Planner

    3. TOEFL APPS and other Recommended Resources

    1. TOEFL SPEAKING PART 1 Video Training

    2. TOEFL Speaking Part 1 Introduction with Audio

    3. Common Topics on the TOEFL Exam

    4. A List of Sample Part 1 Questions

    5. TOEFL Speaking Check-List for Self-Evaluation

    6. Using Transition Words to Further your Argument

    7. Transitional Language Quiz

    8. Speaking Exam Part 1 Template and Language to Introduce Examples

    9. Topic Sentence Variation

    10. Shadow Topic Sentence 1: In terms of...

    11. Topic Sentence 2: Shadow (Of all the...)

    12. Topic Sentence Shadow 3: From my point of view

    13. Topic Sentence Shadow 4: Although some say...

    14. Topic Sentence Shadow 5: Being a strong supporter of...

    15. Alternative Ways of Saying "I Like"

    16. Timing for Response 1: Try this Method

    17. Sample Answer 1: Reading Preferences and Language of Opinion

    18. Reading Preferences Assignment 1

    19. Sample Answer 2: Place in My Country

    20. Place in my Country: Assignment 2

    21. Sample Answer 3: Walking Around While Listening to Music

    22. Walking Around: Assignment 3

    23. Sample Answer 4: Harry Potter is the best book I've ever read...

    24. Speaking Part 1 Quiz: Transitional Language

    25. TOEFL TOP SCORE PART 1 Survey


    2. Welcome to Part 2 of the TOEFL Speaking Exam

    3. Campus Topics and Vocabulary

    4. Campus Questions: Template for your Response

    5. Language to Support a Policy

    6. Language to Express Opposition

    7. Sample Question: Reading Passage about the Library Book Return Policy

    8. Listen to the Student's Opinion on the Policy

    9. Template for your Assignment

    10. Sample Answer: Library Policy

    11. Reading Passage: Parking Lot Fee

    12. Sample Answer: Parking Fees

    13. Listen a second time while reading the transcript

    14. Template for your Assignment

    15. Phrasal Verbs used on Campus

    16. Link to ETS Practice Tests for Further Practice

    17. TOEFL SPEAKING PART 2 Quiz: Opinions and Phrasal Verbs

    18. Copy of TOEFL TOP SCORE PART 2 Survey

    1. TOEFL Part 3 Video: TOP SCORE

    2. Speaking Exam Part 3: Intro

    3. Speaking Part 3: Template

    4. Participant Observation Reading Passage

    5. Participant Observation Lecture

    6. Listen a second time to the Lecture while reading the transcript

    7. Participant Observation: Cite Your Source

    8. Reading and Lecture Sample Template

    9. Submit Assignment: Participant Observation

    10. Participant Observation: High Scoring Sample Answer with Transcript

    11. Learning Styles: Reading Passage

    12. Learning Styles Lecture

    13. Learning Styles Lecture: Listen a Second Time while Reading the Transcript

    14. Learning Styles: Cite Your Source

    15. Assignment: Learning Styles Template for Practice

    16. Learning Styles: High Scoring Sample Answer

    17. Speaking Exam Part 3 Quiz: Reported Speech

    18. Copy of TOEFL TOP SCORE PART 3 Survey



    3. Speaking Part 4 Quiz: Academic Vocabulary

About this course

  • $30.00
  • 76 lessons

Go from below 20 to above 25 in TOEFL Speaking Today!